

Our staff have both used and developed analytical frameworks. These include the following: 

  • AimOST
    • ASA developed the Agile Integrated Methodology to Optimize System Transition (AimOST). AimOST is an analytical framework and tool that guides users along the development and acquisition path to include preparation and planning to cross the ‘valley of death.’
  • DoD’s Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF)
    • ASA staff worked closely with Joint Staff, Service and OSD partners to smoothly implement Acquisition Agility Act provisions which now form the AAF. We are helping the DoD to adapt to a new requirements and acquisition environment characterized by decentralized authorities, more prototyping, and greater use of non-traditional contracting. We can help you navigate this rapidly evolving, faster-paced environment.
    • We created a class to teach industry and government clients how to take advantage of the AAF
  • Multi-Objective Decision Analysis
    • ASA staff apply this framework to help assist decision makers with issues ranging from M&S standards to S&T portfolio analysis 


  • Our team are skilled practitioners of Defense Acquisition System (DAS), JCIDS, Lean Six Sigma, Risk Management, CMMI, PMI, Defense Acquisition Guidebook, DoDAF, DoDI 5000.02, the JCIDS Manual, and CJCSI 5123.01.
  • We provide broad requirements development support in accordance with the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS Manual, CJCSI 5123.01) and systems engineering/acquisition support in accordance with DoD Directive 5000.01, DoD Instruction 5000.02, and the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) throughout the program lifecycle to get required capabilities into the hands of the user as efficiently as possible.
  • Our staff also have hands-on experience with DoD standards development processes and procedures as outlined in DoD Manual 4120.24.
  • Specific examples include the following: 


  • Process improvement
    • Process improvement focused on reducing duplicative data entry, streamlining change request, and configuration management
    • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) best practices and phase gate review mentoring
  • Integration
    • Integration and management of summary level schedule reports including: Milestone variance reports, Gantt chart, PERT, and resource utilization and availability charts
  • Risk Management
    • Risk identification, management and reporting focusing on process improvement
    • Quantitative and qualitative risk analysis
  • Time Management
    • Subject Matter Expert (SME) with Microsoft Project and Project Server experience
    • DCMA 14 Point Assessment to analyze task/work packages in the IMS for compliance
  • Cost Management
    • Earned Value Management Reporting
    • Cost estimate development and analysis


  • Tools: Our talented staff develop customized tools and use industry standard tools to automate processes and reduce errors.  
    • PFATT: The Planning and Financial Analysis Tracking Tool assists with the planning and tracking of the project’s budget.  The automated features provide for a single data entry for population throughout PFATT and drastically reduce errors and data entry time. 
    • DOORS™ 
    • PTC Creo
    • MS Office™ products including MS SharePoint™ MS Project™, MS Excel™, and MS PowerPoint™
    • Milestones Professional™ scheduling tool
    • VisibleThread™ language analysis tool 
    • ASSIST and the Defense IT Standards Registry (DISR) 
    • Systems Tool Kit (STK) for airborne ISR capability studies

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